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分享 关于我、简小莫
叫我小女人。 2011-2-6 01:04
姓名—简小莫 性别—女 年龄—17(准确说,刚过16啦) 喜欢的颜色—黑色、灰色(暗色系的) 喜欢的电影—只要是搞笑的就OK啊 喜欢的影星(歌星)具体点说我没有一个喜欢到现在的 最爱做的事—做白日梦,嘿嘿 逛街&nb ...
331 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 我们都不是坏孩子
嘿、洛熙 2011-2-3 13:28
我们都不是坏孩子。 别看我们头发拉了、烫了、染了、吹了、 衣服亮了、多了、贵了、薄了。 我们都不是坏孩子、 尽管我们上网、打架、旷课、早恋。 我们都不是坏孩子、 虽然我们贪玩爱狂、 却也知道为人要正直,做事要 ...
254 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 我是一只草泥马
错错 2011-1-31 13:28
在那荒茫美丽马勒戈壁 有一群草泥马 他们活泼又聪明 他们调皮又机灵 他们由自在生活在那草泥马戈壁 他们顽强勇敢克服艰苦环境。 噢卧槽的草泥马! 噢狂槽的草泥马! 他们为了卧草不被吃掉 打败了河蟹 河蟹从此消失草泥马戈壁 在那荒茫美丽马勒戈壁 有一群草泥马 他们活泼又聪明 他们调皮又机灵 他们由自 ...
396 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 抱紧沵の背,说涐需要沵。
墨楹。 2011-1-23 15:31
两 情若是 长久时 , 又 岂在 朝朝暮暮, 落 笔,写下对沵最深刻の记忆,′ 待 繁红乱处,留云借 月 ,也须拼 醉 。 说 恨,挽留沵欲要离去の心,′ 对 闲窗畔,停灯向晓,抱影 无眠 。 思 恋,沵の身影依旧浮现,′ 遣 情伤,故人 ...
210 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 If you are careful enough
lfmaxmen 2011-1-19 15:29
September opened, in the popular sector occupies a pivotal position in the "cowboy Moncler " is beginning to peak again. Have never seen what kind of fiber or fabric allows people as obsessed and fanatical as it is today, Moncler Jackets to make th ...
242 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 MBT shoes are made of SUP resistance
lfmaxmen 2011-1-17 15:55
MBT Shoes draw creative inspiration, "Marseille shoes", MBT shoes is come up by a Swiss engineer, Christian Louboutin Shoes from the initial design concept Masai nomadic hunting peoples, their bare feet in the soft but not rough ground walk through year, but Few p ...
276 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Maybe it is too good to be true
lfmaxmen 2011-1-13 15:32
Maybe it is too good to be true, but several weight loss shoes have been introduced to the sneaker market over the last few years. These North Face Outlet are specially designed to help you lose weight simply by wearing them and going about your normal day. These are the cla ...
279 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活最真诚的态度
静静茹 2011-1-12 15:16
318 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Coach Outlet Stores Online
coach8989 2011-1-12 14:21
After this abbreviate addition acceptance to the coach outlet hotel's history, we stepped outdoors the hotel, that is anchored on the circle of West Broadway and 1st Avenue. The bronze acceptance to the agent outdoors the access was committed for the average boondocks advance acad ...
146 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 UGG also provides a broad range or water
lfmaxmen 2011-1-11 14:58
When women wear UGG boots with jeans and t-shirts, they look simple but gorgeous, so I say UGG for women is kind of art. The boots accomplished some notoriety throughout the world wars when pilots searched for shoes that was cozy and relaxing on their cold ...
244 次阅读|0 个评论

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