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I have had to experience being told the shoes

已有 270 次阅读2011-1-4 15:43 |系统分类:情感日记|

Firstly, I am a follower of oriental heritage, and as such believed that buying a pair of these shoes would enhance my image within my circle of friends.mbt women shoes I bought my pair of Chung Shi's, and went to find out a little more about them, and I found out that they are actually German. Not very oriental. In defense of their competitor, MBT, they do follow their Swiss branding.
I have flat feet, so I would be of the opinion that a company as popular as Chung Shi would have something for me. I found the the shoes are the most impossible to wear unless your feet have the appropriate angles. Considering my flat feet I am now unable to access Chung Shi's supposed benefit in being able to lose weight whilst standing still, at least,Nike Air Max 2009 not without breaking my feet in. So I'd have to go through the process of getting my feet used to the shoes, which may take a very long time, by which time the warranty will run out and render me unable to replace them.
Lastly, the price is a little high. I have had to experience being told the shoes are not even oriental in origin, and the fact that my feet need to be painfully goaded with them. For this, I paid £133.99. Not far off an eighth of my monthly payslip on a pair of shoes that to be honest look like they should be priced a little lower.
On a positive note, the shoes do look ugg bailey button krinkle a little better than MBT's so when I have been able to wear them I have not been looking like a Spice Girl! Make your own mind up.....there are plenty of these shoes around these days.
I would suggest that you look at all the health shoes on the market before making your mind up. MBT, Chung Shi and Earth all make similar products. You can find the cheapest Chung Shi shoes here.

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