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已有 166 次阅读2008-12-17 20:56 |个人分类:日記

It is just a day with nothing special,I have to write something on diary in this way because
I need to practise my English writting...You know,it's so hard for such an English fish to express himseft with some meaning words. Maybe I could be a normal people just like you if I have got away from the pressure coming from CET4.In a lot of people's mind,it can't be easier.But,I'm not the member of the group,I have lost my English study for more than one year ..It is no an easy job to catch up with others in such a period shorter than one week,(actually,there is only three day left for my preparing work)Oh,shit!No matter how,I get no way to eacape and what I can do now is waiting for the examination time.Then I will be the most miserable guy in the world...

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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